Monday, January 11, 2010

Why Slovenia indeed!

Today we took all the money we could find and tried to get our lawyer to transfer it to the victor in a court case he very thoroughly lost for us. No go. We had to do it ourselves, leaving us in doubt of the viability of making a part-payment in the first place, but we wanted to show good faith despite having none of our complaints heard or even listened to. How would we know? We don't talk Slovene well enough to translate the proceedings of a court of law, and neither do our slovenian friends, and there is no obligation to assist with non native speakers. So we are totally in the dark dealing with a near-criminal element of import/customs agents, who regard foreigners, we're sure, as solely a source of income, devoid of rights or a voice in their affairs of new life in this tiny, diminishing population.
The country is really beautiful, but how do you stay chirpy when every person regards you as devoid of rights? Our lawyer's receptionist concurred with this view, and I challenged her.. 'Why didn't you tell us this 30 months ago when we had a chance of escaping?' Now we are bereft of solutions. The court system does not recognize us as anything greater than an alien; our appeal was a non event, a cross between Catch 22 and Kafka, and now we're trying to catch the attention of the EU authorities against corruption, racism, discrimination and inequality, while their reports are carefully fended off by Slovenian government.
Our consultation with public sector lawyers got 'pay up!' responses only.
I've lived all over this world since 1955, and this rates with Laos and Vietnam for friendliness. Where to from here? Who knows? All I'd like is to know I've been heard. Some chance.
Nuff said.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Congratulations! There are dark forces at work in the world, who are wedged securely between the wealthy cheeks of Willie Gates, for reasons way beyond my comprehension; Global we may be, now… I certainly am, but have you actually tried to enjoy what is rightfully yours in, say the Czech republic? or France? Do you know that compact disks in their many fragile manifestations often won't play in another country? That you may buy this form of entertainment is your prerogative; I have chosen not to. When the compact disk arrived, I quit the HiFi business. This medium has no right to be ranked as hifi (high fidelity to the original) and I have only once in my life bought a CD; (Laurie Anderson; 'Big Science') for a particularly beautiful body to dance to. But I have been given a few; the last one, and I will refuse any others, was a DVD from Warner Bros. 'The Last Samurai', which WILL NOT PLAY ON A MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Since then I have given up, after over thirty emails to Warner Bros, to consider this house of thieves anything other than worthless dross.
The American Film Industry  is a crock anyway; one just has to look at the credits for a supposedly decent film to see how this machine wastes our time and money, in a now digital regurgitation of the twenty or so plots that universally categorize what they serve up to the blobby public....and I look on with interest at the future path of that funky, Macintosh using Peter Jackson, who put the Lord of the Rings up on the Linux platform, and who could not have achieved even a shadow of this film had he relied on the aforementioned Willie Gates. Is Willie a bad loser? I suspect so; I have known a few nerdy types in my time; broad minded comprehension of universal values is not their strong point. But if you'd like to put together a 'big picture' these days, you need a few of them around, and choosing them well can net some great results; however, having taken a brand new Zip Disk to my last (some time ago, now) digital creativity session, three hours of radical fringe studio, and a lot of bucks lighter, I discovered, three months later, when about to undertake stage two, that the work of the first session had disappeared from said Zip Disk. Gone forever. Unrepeatable. Give me a master tape, or Vinyl anyday. I love where technology is going, in the research labs; I abhor what manufacturing expedience and the beady eyed focus of those dorks in black suits does to it to get it in the shops. Have you read 'Snow Crash' or 'Diamond Life'? And how about the emergence of the ‘avatar’ as representative of computer users globally? In your dreams fatty.